Hi, I'm Alex Gloe

I'm a Product Designer that uses human-centered design to solve problems for the betterment of humankind.


Case Studies

Screens of the redesign for the LA Dept. of Parks and Recreation.

Redesigning recreational reservations for the LA community

A responsive redesign of the online reservation experience for the Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation.

UI for adding a feature to Citizen

Helping people feel less anxious about their safety

Adding a feature to Citizen to help people feel less anxious about their safety.

Images of Acorn's UI

Creating an app to help reduce food waste at home

Designing from scratch: An end-to-end app to help reduce food waste at home.

NASA JPL X Adobe Hackathon

Designing an iPad app that uses gamification to teach kids more about space exploration and inspire the next generation.

AR Work


Let’s work together