Hi! I’m Alex.


  • Product Designer

  • I’m a creative individual but critical thinking and analytical projects fulfill me.

  • Background in Communication, Research, Mass Communication

  • Space Enthusiast

  • Loves learning new things and being outside

A Brief History

When I was younger, I spent my days looking toward the stars dreaming of going to space, pretending I was some sort of scientist making complex but simplistic inventions that would help the world become a better place, watching Star Trek and other sci-fi shows, and movies. I loved science and gadgets from an early age. These interactions inspired my love for the relationship between humans and technology and consequently, made me always think about how digital products can meaningfully impact people’s lives.

In college, I took as many physics and astronomy classes as I could, but I was also innately interested in human communication and decided to declare this as my major. While I enjoyed the general study of communication, I’ll never forget the day I was introduced to CMC or Computer-Mediated Communication which opened the doors to a whole other world of learning about how human communication is changing alongside technological advancements. I knew that I wanted to work in this area but at the time, no one could help me define exactly what I was looking for. After graduation, I had a large breadth of knowledge about the physical world from a range of astronomy classes and a large depth of knowledge from communication but I couldn’t find a profession that aligned with my interests or passions.

In the interim, I entered the music industry as an independent electronic music producer and sound designer, producing original works as well as contract productions. It was fun, but it wasn’t fulfilling me. I like thinking about complex things, I like solving problems, I love science and technology, I love discussion and working in groups to achieve goals. I had always wanted to be at the edge of the future and the music community wasn’t checking any of these boxes.

It took me some time and research but when I discovered UX design, I found it to be the mighty unifier of all my passions. It takes my love for design, art, philosophy, psychology, science, and technology and binds it together with my background in communication.

As a designer, I’m interested in creating inclusive, impactful, meaningful, and easy-to-use experiences for communities and synthesizing the relationship between humans and technology as we move into the future together.

Who I Am at a Glance

I love people. I gain energy from talking with other humans. I have a B.A. in Communication and I’m naturally interested in the way we communicate, behave and interact with each other.

I’m always asking questions. For me, learning something new is like drinking a cup of coffee. I fully take advantage of the amazing age we live in where information is widely available through the internet.

Driven to make an impact. I believe that together we can make the future a better place. My entire life I’ve always wanted to to make a difference in the world and help people through technology.

Failure is the greatest teacher and I’ve made plenty of mistakes. Every time is a learning experience that I’m grateful for because it allows me to become better than I was the day before.

Things I Enjoy

Reading, stoicism, philosophy, astronomy, physics, complex problem solving, design thinking, collaboration, surfing, running, learning new skills, discovering new music, visiting art exhibits, history - especially ancient and generally exploring and traveling the physical world.

Books on Rotation

I love reading and I love learning. I usually read several books at the same time depending on my mood. Here’s what’s on rotation at the moment.